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Stephen C Edwards



I have been singing and performing from the time I could make sound.  I started teaching voice 26 years ago, and 14 years ago, everything changed. After undergoing two vocal cord surgeries, my singing career was threatened and I knew something must be done.  


From this experience, I began researching and studying the voice in more depth than my music degrees ever took me.  Through this study, and working with Master Teachers, I have discovered a voice and a language for singing and teaching that brought out my authentic, organic voice.  I have never experienced such freedom and health in my voice...and can now sing 3-4 hour sets without fatigue!  


My passion is to share this knowledge with my students so that they discover the freedom, ease, and true joy of singing. ​


If you would like to contact me to set up a lesson or simply to find out more, please click on the contact link on this site and fill out the form with all of your information. If you would like to be added to my mailing list, fill out the form directly to the left!





Stephen C Edwards

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